Created by Alex Robson and Howard Raymond, sparked by an epiphany late one night over a classic Gin cocktail, the pair set about creating a high quality and beautifully designed spirit.
A celebration of the life and legacy of the original ‘King of Soho’, Howard’s father, Paul Raymond.
A challenger spirit, Raymond was famous for his risqué shows and for a while dominated the London entertainment scene; revolutionising the district of Soho.
The bold and colourful design of the bottles embody the characteristics that make Soho unique, reflecting both the past and the present of this vibrant and hedonistic district of London.
Originally from the North East of England, Alex Robson, comes from a long line of female entrepreneurs and her upbringing instilled commerce and business knowledge from an early age.
After being a judge of the SME category of the inaugural Business Champion Awards she wanted to extend her support for the annual programme by having her brand sponsor the drinks at the Finalist Drinks reception with Lord Coe and the Gala Black-Tie Awards Dinner itself.